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4 entries.
Ulf Elman Ulf Elman wrote on 13/01/2023 at 5:03 am
Hi Raph, I read your post about Alpha Mic, ALT384, but it doesn't seem to be avaliable for sale anywhere but in Korea. Do you know where to get hold of it, preferably in the EU? Thank you in advance!
Admin Reply by: Raph
Dear Ulf Elman, Alphamic ALT384 maybe a product kind of Chinese OEM DAC belong to similar brand of Keysion - but different PID type meaning different product - actually I am not sure. I bought it from Coupang, and they are supports english content but not sure oversea sales. Instead of looking for Coupang, I really recommend to contact to direct seller - Alpha Mic ( a Korean brand to care most of personal broadcasting environments ) - https://alphamic.kr/product/list.html?cate_no=27 And similar product, Keysion USB C DAC ( I had it but quality is little bit less than ALT384 at all ) here. - https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000490251617.html Hope you will love my reply.
Jeroen Jeroen wrote on 10/09/2021 at 12:10 am
Hi Ralph, I was trying to follow your blog post about "Capture for multi-planar" but when I got to the part about "Wait for a sync." there is a variable called "realfd" can you tell me how it should be defined/set? Do you maybe have a link to the full source-code? I try to capture an image from a OV5640 camera on a iMX8MP and have many issues, you seem to be the only one that solved the multiplanar issues. Thank you very much!
Admin Reply by: Raph
Dear, Jeroen You can refer to OnSemi AR0521 V2L capture test program ( for debian-linux-aarch64 ) on here, https://bitbucket.org/rageworx_embedded/mcsi2mon/src/master/src/main.cpp . You may need FLTK and v4l2. Regards, Raph.
Ken Yasui Ken Yasui wrote on 28/06/2021 at 12:33 pm
It was too late to buy JianJieMF903pro but it too late to read your web site. Router arrived but switch not working and battery out when router arrived, op manual too small letter to read, then I went into web and met your web but no Jiang Jie web as you mentioned. Individual Chinese are good and honest in my life, if more than 2 of group becomes animal why?
Admin Reply by: Raph
I don't understand what meaning of "2 of group becomes animal" and appending to "why?" for question in a sentence. I can just answer to your abstruse question for "I dunno why too".
BK BK wrote on 13/11/2020 at 1:35 pm
안녕하세요. 웹서핑을 하다가 제가 아시는 분 같아서요.. 저는 결혼식할때 7만원 낸 바텍에서 잠깐 같이 일했던 사람입니다. 머리카락이 심하게 없는... ㅎ LIBRAWPROCESSOR 이거 받아서 써보고 괜찮으면 제품에 적용해보려구요. 잘 지내시구요...
Admin Reply by: Raph
That might be a very old library for processing single integer. Designed fastest time to get result faster. You may need to pay times for understanding what designed. There's another floating-point data processing library in private (more precision), but it has complicated issues to make it public, Hope you can enjoy my old one.