sset to C or H converting open source.

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There’s nothing to find information about sset ( I was misunderstood it may s-record ), so I made a simple tool for supporting multi-platform if have any GCC with STL.

You can clone or download source code ( it is MIT license ) and build in your system with just typing “make” then, enjoy it.

It was tested on Windows MinGW-W64 and Mint Linux 18.2 GCC 5.2 with Mac OS X llvm-gcc. You can change {anyname of file}.sset to C or H file with options here:

sset2c, sset to c/h converter,, version

 usages :
	sset2c [source file] (options) (output file)

 options :
	-h(-H) : Convert sset to C language header type
	         Default is C language (.c)
	-w(-W) : Convert in 2 bytes (word) type instead single byte.
	         Default is using single byte.
	-s(-S)=[symbol name] : Using symbol name
	                       If it ignored, randomly generates.
	-t(-T)=[structure name] : Using structure name
	                          Default is a comment : /*struct type here*/

For example, let converting preview.sset file to cam_previewmode.c,

sset2c preview.sset -s=cam_preview_1080p -t=msm_camera_i2c_reg_array cam_previewmode.c

You can decide symbol name and structure name ( you may know what structure name to be written before understanding platform driver structures ) by making a converted file.

And result is like this,

You can simply changes many register setting arrays at once with my open source code here: