I heard a task to proceeding GIA test …
What is that? Kind of another name of KIA ?
GIA was not a kind of KIA, yes, they don’t manufacture any automobiles. It is the meaning of General Intelligence Assessment. And it seems not “General” in any case.

No Korean, Super thank you !
It is first experience since I had tested my IQ in childhood, I’m not a smart people, just around 128th level, a little-bit better than apes.
So I need to drill it deeper, to understand what is this, and what I need to solve this test. According to announce of proper, this test is speed that matters.
There are five domains to test
- Perpetual speed
- Reasoning
- Number speed and accuracy
- Spatial visualization
- Word meaning
It feels like … back to the past like:

Oh, am I being “Marty” ? No, I am the DeLorean.
It is like testing IQ again, but more difficult, not kindly. And time rush awaits me. Even I don’t understand question, especially, case of only numbers on screen – “What the … ?”

I am being DeLorean, push the pedal !
This test requesting people to not “General Intel”. I bet this test for “Filter for More Intelligent people” rather than word of “General”.
I need …

Doc, tell me the answer.
Please give me that sniper rifle to pointing answers, Doc.