RaphComments Off on Some tips for while delivery done in Ali-Express.
If you know, or want to buy something in Ali-Express of China, it will be better to read before you have do something. Ali-Express mostly contolled by Ali-Baba and Ali-Express (Ali-Group) managing group. But you must remember sellers are not kind of employee of Ali. So Ali-Express made buyer… Read more »
ipTime router used cheap SMPS power source in many years ago and it all from China. EFM is a company who selling ipTime series in South Korea. They are imports Zioncom products from China and only applying firmware in their hands. Problem is belong to their China born power adaptors…. Read more »
Uh…OKayFreedom ? I am a paid user, but I am not OK every time it occurs to somewhere in desktop windows. What are you saying IDS_DLG_CLOSE_ALL_BROWSERS ? It must be OkayFreedom UI made with MFC and they has no understand in resource based dialog compose. an inferior !
RaphComments Off on You don’t buy thing if don’t like lost your datas.
It’s very simple. If your datas be alived until you lost yourself or human being has big war with atomic bombs, Don’t use seagate HDDs. In case of me, a years ago, Had an experience my 500GB HDD (it was OEM of HP) just turned to death and it doesn’t… Read more »
Sometimes my poor server displayed as “disconnected”. Actually it is reason of my cheap AP router as known as IPtime. Manufacturer of IPtime provides latest firmware for security, but limitation of HW could not be going to better. I have reorganized to putting thermal treat system and changed for good… Read more »
NOHON, this is a brand name of Chinese cable product company for supply Apple and Android charge and data cables. I found this little more expensive stuffs in Ali-Express by seraching durable iPhone cable. Most of cables from China, are far from durable in low cost as we know. But… Read more »
I did try apply DirectX input to using joystick for my HID emulation, but my testing program failure in SetCooperativeLevel() API on dinput. At the result of analyse, I found FLTK API fl_xid() returns wrong HWND value from debuger. Just inspected real HWND(handle of window) value with Process Hacker. It was… Read more »
RaphComments Off on FLTK+MinGW+DirectX8, Joystick example
Here I made an example source code with Code::Blocks+MinGW-W64+WINE project directX8 library for using joystick. You should know this project limited to under Windows32 platform, but You can make fast faced simple game without DirectX surface, only using FLTK and Direct Input. I recommend to using my FLTK-1.3.3-ts library for… Read more »
RaphComments Off on An IEM used Knowles dual balanced armature ?
I found an insteresting item in Ali-Express, ER610 of EARMAX – audio product manufacturer of China – and it seems to be used for dual balanced armature transducer(driver) in each units of left and right. I can find an image for used Knowles B.A unit in their sales page:… Read more »
If your phone has stipulate time and it is restricted to wireless telegraph operator? And plus, if the goverment controlled it? What would you do? This is not a fiction. Just happens to in South Korea. There’s are three major wireless telegraph operators – SKTelecom, KTelecom and U+ – and… Read more »