Unofficial REMOVU S1 FW update app for macOS

REMOVU (aka. Essel-T) closed down their business, and most of S1 owners are don’t have way to upgrade their firmware with legacy app. But I made this app again for modern macOS universal binary as like this,

It was my commercial app but Essel-T now passed out to history, so I open this app for people who remained their S1 gimbal to be managed.

This app is not code-signed, so user need to open it with “option” key, or self code-signing with iTerm, And also not tested for modern macOS with Removu-S1 ( because I don’t have it now ).

Download is Free to here, and feed back should left on reply.

Download “removu-s1-fw-update-v1.1-macOS-universal” – Downloaded 771 times – 1.09 MB

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